
Friday, September 13, 2013

"Blurred Lines" is What's Wrong with 90% of the Guys You Encounter in Clubs.

"What rhymes with hug me?" How about, please don't drug me. 

I'm sure you've all heard the musical gem that is "Blurred Lines" by now. I don't usually listen to music on the radio, I'm painfully uncool when it comes to knowing what music is popular, but this song is unavoidable.

Such an innovative music video.
My best friend lives in Vegas, so I've been to some of the clubs there when I visit her in the summer. In extreme moderation (a few times a year) it can be fun. Getting dressed up and hanging out with friends beforehand is the best part. Around eleven, the dance floor isn't so crowded and you can move around, but at a certain time of night it turns to shit, and it's because so many men have that "Blurred Lines" mentality. You just so happen to make eye contact with a guy and, to quote lyrical genius Robin Thicke, he thinks "must wanna get nasty!" and tries to dance all over you. Um, no. No thank you. Don't attempt to drag me away from my friends, don't try hand me your drink, and don't put your hands on my waist. If I want to dance with you, I will let you know.

Normally I don't comment on this sort of thing, but it's disheartening when you realize how so much of today's music is based on degrading women. I'm fairly certain that the rap industry would cease to exist if the words "bitches," "pussy," and "money" were outlawed. There are few, if any, songs that treat men in a similar fashion. Music tastes vary widely and to each his own, I'll concede that some of it is catchy, but I don't know why people find this sort of music appealing as a whole. Men aren't the only ones to blame -- women listen to it too, and they participate in music videos like the one I've linked to. It's nothing I would ever participate in, so maybe I just have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to walk around half-naked for such a music video. It isn't artistic. It's demeaning, and women don't exist merely for entertainment purposes.

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